Self-Management Webinars


Workshop Webinars & Tutorials

The Core Skills required by all Individuals in a Team

Self-Management Workshop

The Self-Management  online Workshop includes the essential core skills to flourish in a demanding work environment. It focusses on increasing effectiveness, efficiency and motivation.

Understanding Ourselves

This webinar examines how cognitive bias affects the judgement and decisions of ourselves and other people. Some techniques for correcting our bias are explained together with how we can use the bias of others to our advantage.

Schedule this Webinar for only £50 or watch as a Tutorial for only £5.

Watch the Tutorial Now

5 top tips to Manage Time. Essential Techniques within a Busy Environment.echniques

This Webinar explains 5 straightforward and highly effective techniques to maximise output from time. This include controlling re-active tasks, scheduling and how to get the most out of meetings. Managing time requires discipline and these 5 top tips will reward dedication by freeing up to an hour day. These techniques are vital for everybody who is left to organise themselves within a busy environment.

Schedule this Webinar for only £50 or watch as a Tutorial for only £5.

Watch the Tutorial Now

Staying Motivated and Staying Positive

This webinar provides 5 easy to use techniques for self-motivating and staying positive. The webinar also explains how having a positive attitude attracts others to work with you and why it is a great tool for not only creating harmony in the workplace but also a great aid to mental health. This is a valuable webinar for those that are required to self-motivate as well as for those that need to motivate others.

Schedule this Webinar for only £50 or watch as a Tutorial for only £5.

Watch the Tutorial Now

How Behaviours, Body Language, and Dress, Impact Relationships

This webinar explains the impact on others of how we present ourselves. The various effects of behaviours, dress, and language are explained, and strategies are provided to not only make a good first impression but to use personal presentation as an asset in building sustainable relationships. The webinar explores the broader topic, from how we might dress, body language, and the way we speak in front of people we seek to influence and persuade.

Schedule this Webinar for only £50 or watch as a Tutorial for only £5.

Watch the Tutorial Now

A Basic Understanding of Financial Reporrts

A basic understanding of simple financial reports is vital for anyone working in an organisation that has financial accountability to stakeholders. This webinar explains the difference between revenue and expenditure and compares them to liabilities and assets. At the end of the webinar attendees will be capable of understand  basic financial reports including cash flow, balance sheet, and profit and loss.

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Knowing and Understanding the Other Person

The key to building any relationship is knowing and understanding the other person. This webinar explains how to discover another person’s wants and needs and how to use that knowledge to build affinity and then motivate the other person to collaborate with you. The ability to understand others is an essential attribute for everyone who works in a community.

Schedule this Webinar for only £50 or watch as a Tutorial for only £5.

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The Techniques of Making Better Decisions

This webinar explains the various techniques for making better and more consistent decisions.  The techniques include evaluating probability and the use of the Bayesian logic. The webinar also explains how well-designed processes can reduce the need for recurring and predictable decisions. The effect of our cognitive biases is also examined and strategies for compensating for them.

Schedule this Webinar for only £50 or watch as a Tutorial for only £5.

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